The Perseverance of the Saints
Since awakening to the relevance of Torah, my faith has never been so attacked. I guess that's a good thing - it must mean I'm on the right track - but the attack is happening on two fronts. Although I've never publicly approached Christians regarding obedience to God's commands nor Jews on their disbelief in Yeshua, I have seen enough articles and read enough books to know that Christians call people like me "in bondage to legalism" and Jews consider us to be "idol worshippers". Their accusations can be painful, and I've had to trust the Spirit's guidance more than ever, yet it's a comfort to read that these things are to be expected. "Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." (Revelation 14:12) The context of Revelation 14 is identifying the true followers of the Lamb from the worshippers of the beast. Verse 12 warns that perseverance is needed, but from wh...