The Narrow Road
The narrow road. The hard path. I think I understand it now. We climb higher, pursuing a goal that is beyond sight but still there. Waiting. The path is rough. Stones jut out every step of the way, teasing and tripping. We stumble but we don't fall. We can't fall. It's still there. He's still there. Waiting. Calling. Beckoning us to follow Him. And so we climb higher...up the narrow road.
" 13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)
The Christian walk has never been and will never be easy. (See John 16:33) If it were easy, we would have no need for God. As believers in Jesus Christ (Yeshua), we are called to walk the narrow road, yet so many of us try to avoid the pain, the humiliation, and the struggle that, in reality, defines our faith. Sometimes we act as if we are being singled out, as if we are the only ones that are subjected to the struggle. But you are not alone. I am not alone. We have the testimonies of thousands of believers before us. Although this battle is between the flesh and the spirit, we can still live in our flesh and glorify God. (See Galatians 5:16-17)
The narrow road is a path worth taking. It is meant to test our faith and strengthen our bond with Christ. We take this path because it is for our protection - not protection from pain but protection from the scars of sin in our own lives. Inevitably we will mess up. We will stumble, but we must not fall. If we believe in the power of our Savior's redemption, we can persevere along this impossible road.
So continue on. Whether God calls you down to the depths, into the darkness and misery of this world, or whether He calls you up the mountain, over the impossible and the hopeless, this is a path worth taking.
The Christian walk has never been and will never be easy. (See John 16:33) If it were easy, we would have no need for God. As believers in Jesus Christ (Yeshua), we are called to walk the narrow road, yet so many of us try to avoid the pain, the humiliation, and the struggle that, in reality, defines our faith. Sometimes we act as if we are being singled out, as if we are the only ones that are subjected to the struggle. But you are not alone. I am not alone. We have the testimonies of thousands of believers before us. Although this battle is between the flesh and the spirit, we can still live in our flesh and glorify God. (See Galatians 5:16-17)
The narrow road is a path worth taking. It is meant to test our faith and strengthen our bond with Christ. We take this path because it is for our protection - not protection from pain but protection from the scars of sin in our own lives. Inevitably we will mess up. We will stumble, but we must not fall. If we believe in the power of our Savior's redemption, we can persevere along this impossible road.
So continue on. Whether God calls you down to the depths, into the darkness and misery of this world, or whether He calls you up the mountain, over the impossible and the hopeless, this is a path worth taking.
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